Maras, Moray & Salineras

This activity can be done as a group or private tour.

For a little more excitement why not try this tour on quad bikes!


The Salinas de Maras in Cusco, or salineras de maras as they are also called, are salt mines whose exploitation is as old as the Tahuantinsuyo.

Moray is undoubtedly a mandatory stop for tourists who wish to decipher the mystery of its origin and functionality. It is believed that Moray was an experimentation center in which the Incas used various techniques for agriculture and microclimate monitoring.

Recommended To Bring


All tours can be done privately where you can set the departure time, add in or remove sites and most importantly go at your own pace. Please ask us for more information about availability and prices.

Maras, Moray & Salinas – Day Trip From Cusco

  • 08:30 am
    You will be picked-up from your hotel at 8:30 a.m. in our tourist bus to start our visit to the following places:
  • Maras
    Located to the west of Cusco at 3300 m.a.s.l. where you can see the Urubamba mountain range and the snowy peaks of “La Veronica” (5682 m.a.s.l.) and the “Chikon” (5530 m.a.s.l.). Settlement took place here during the Spanish conquest when the Inkan nobles were stripped of their palaces in Qosqo (Cusco) forcing them to move and settle in smaller towns like Maras. The town has a church made of adobe bricks with typical religious architecture of the village.
  • Moray
    Located about 7 km southwest of Maras, it is the only archaeological site of its kind in the region. It is made up of depressions or gigantic natural holes in the surface of the land that were used to build terraces or agricultural terraces with their respective irrigation channels. It is therefore a prototype of a greenhouse or biological experimental station which was quite advanced for its time that helped the andian people to domesticate many varieties of potatoes and amoung other crops such as corn, quenoa and faba beans.
  • Salineras
    Also known as the “salt mines” is located to the northwest of the town of Maras and is made up of some 3000 small wells with an average area of about 5 m². During the dry season they are filled or “irrigated” every 3 days with salt water that emanates from a natural spring located in the upper part of the wells so that when the water evaporates, the salt contained in it gradually solidifies. The salt is then pounded & granulate and packaged into plastic sacks and sent to the regional markets. Today the salt is iodized, making its consumption safe.
  • End
    We will then return to Cusco arriving at approximately 4.30pm.

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